Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Breaking Dishes

These past couple of days I have been feeling so frustrated about so many different things. I could not seem to figure out why all I was eating was cookies, pizza, or generally unhealthy foods, going to the gym or even just going for a light jog seemed like the hardest task to accomplish. I began to feel sick but went to work anyways. Some stuff to do with people in my life. It all just kept piling up on top of each other making a teetering wobbly tower of un-fun stuff to accomplish or rid myself of. Whenever I take time out of my day to just think I find my self in different world. A world where I could go take a stroll down my favorite secluded little trail with dishes. What was I doing with those dishes? I was breaking them. Smashing them, throwing them like a frisbee, aiming them at hard, imovable objects. Just unleashing the anger with the sound of a loud clanging, crashing, shattering of dishes. Who knows maybe i'll get around to figuring that one out...