Sunday, January 10, 2010


I can't believe I havent posted about the Dominican! To sum it all up Greece ain't happenin and I'm going to the Dominican instead! I'm so excited so so so excited! Puerto Plata here I come! One small thing is .... what does hot weather, beaches and trying to get my tan on mean? Time to lose some of this weight and become a skinny bitch! Then I asked myself, How does one become a skinny bitch? By reading the book Skinny Bitch of course! So here I am on my vegan-ish journey, trying to make my way through the world by dogding pizza ( a little hard to do while working at a god damn pizza restaurant) , sprinting past subways, and ignoring the aroma of chicken that so swiftly wafts into my room as I study ( oh chicken, how I love thee). One week has past and I'm seeing results already, feeling great and looking great! IM STOKED ON LIFE

not to mention the fact that I've been hittin' the gym pretty regularly. Hopefully this will all work out for me by the time march hits! Wish me luck... whoever may be reading lol !

Month and a Half to go , I'll be keeping a little journal of little of my achievements because .... I dont have much time :S eeks!